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My Mother’s Day 2013

My husband, mother, son, grandmother and me 2012

This 2012 photo is symbolic. We have each other and are all present and accounted for Mother’s Day 2013.

We did not spend Mother’s Day together this year as we most often don’t. I live in North Carolina and they live in Connecticut.

My grandmother is 95 years old. That’s as many ages as I disclose. 😉

This post is in honor of the women in my immediate family that are here that are moms and grandmothers. I know they are all very private, so I will keep names off.

On this day, I can call and ask Gram for her applesauce recipe. Although it was written down a long time ago, she tells me something a little different each time.

I can listen to her tell me to just “let it go” – whatever is bothering me.

 Many women’s mothers are not here to celebrate this year. If this is your burden, I’m so sorry… you are the reason I’m writing this. I know better than to assume next year will be the same for me.

I can listen to mom’s voice smiling on the phone, “Well, we don’t know what we don’t know. Just do your best. You’ve done great all these years! ” That’s her general response to any dilemma. I know this is what she’ll say, but I call and talk to her anyway.


This is my step mother.

I still have her around  this Mother’s Day, and I don’t take her for granted either.

She sends me messages on FB and keeps up with me better than I do her.  One of these days we are going to do everything we said we do together – hit the used book store, go shopping. and meet for lunch without my dad. Preferably not all in the same day…

Her mother, Grammy, is also still around at 95.

Grammy tells me stories of her great great great grandfather coming from Ireland to North Carolina. And she remembers my birthday.

I don’t take for granted my husband or son. Many women celebrate this holiday without either or one.  They honored my  requests for Mother’s Day and then some:

  1. 7 hours to myself on Saturday.

  2. Dinner at a great restaurant that always saves me a creme brulee

  3. Sleep in on Sunday

  4. A video from our son as my gift from him. Open ended request to use his gift. (It was 1.5 minutes of me and him in video and photos and music. Tissues!!!)

  5. BONUS: Starbucks gift cards, a coffee mug for the car, a car wash that I don’t buy for myself.

I share all this for a few reasons…

Mother’s Day is our day. It’s the one shot we have to make it meaningful to us.

To me, people make it special. The moms who raised us, loved us and continue to influence our lives and leave their mark on the family legacy.

Time to myself honors my limitations and my dreams. I don’t ask for it any other time during the year (except my weekend away, but they are not with me).

Something handmade makes it unforgettable.




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